Pantone Color Match Apparel

Working with a brand that has strict guidelines and colors? We shipped millions of custom dyed and PMS match garments last year, and we are looking to dramatically increase that number this year. Itβ€˜s an everyday process for us.

We run these types of programs for many of the top brand names you know and love. The ability to match the color of the garment to a speific Pantone Color, along with our other competitve advantages results in apparel you'll struggle to get produced elsewhere.


Your PMS Color Matched Garment Plus...

  • Custom Tagless Neck Label

    Every order that leaves our facility has a custom Private Label.

  • Soft Hand Inks

    Print in waterbase or discharge inks to provide the softest hand possible, or plastisol for 100% color accuracy.

  • Add-On #26: Butterwash

    Don't forget to finish your garments with Butterwash for a result "Softer Than You've Ever Imagined".

All in as few as 144 units.

Color Match Ready Garments

Pantone Color Match Apparel


Working with a brand that has strict guidelines and colors? We shipped millions of custom dyed and PMS match garments last year, and we are looking to dramatically increase that number this year. Itβ€˜s an everyday process for us.

We run these types of programs for many of the top brand names you know and love. The ability to match the color of the garment to a speific Pantone Color, along with our other competitve advantages results in apparel you'll struggle to get produced elsewhere.


Your PMS Color Matched Garment Plus...

Custom Tagless Neck Label


Every order that leaves our facility has a custom Private Label.

Soft Hand Inks


Print in waterbase or discharge inks to provide the softest hand possible, or plastisol for 100% color accuracy.

Add-On #26: Butterwash


Don't forget to finish your garments with Butterwash for a result "Softer Than You've Ever Imagined".

All in as few as 144 units.


Color Match Ready Garments

Pantone Color Match Apparel


Working with a brand that has strict guidelines and colors? We shipped millions of custom dyed and PMS match garments last year, and we are looking to dramatically increase that number this year. Itβ€˜s an everyday process for us.

We run these types of programs for many of the top brand names you know and love. The ability to match the color of the garment to a speific Pantone Color, along with our other competitve advantages results in apparel you'll struggle to get produced elsewhere.


Your PMS Color Matched Garment Plus...

  • Custom Tagless Neck Label

    Every order that leaves our facility has a custom Private Label.

  • Soft Hand Inks

    Print in waterbase or discharge inks to provide the softest hand possible, or plastisol for 100% color accuracy.

  • Add-On #26: Butterwash

    Don't forget to finish your garments with Butterwash for a result "Softer Than You've Ever Imagined".


Color Match Ready Garments

Pantone Color Match Apparel


Working with a brand that has strict guidelines and colors? We shipped millions of custom dyed and PMS match garments last year, and we are looking to dramatically increase that number this year. Itβ€˜s an everyday process for us.

We run these types of programs for many of the top brand names you know and love. The ability to match the color of the garment to a speific Pantone Color, along with our other competitve advantages results in apparel you'll struggle to get produced elsewhere.


Your PMS Color Matched Garment Combined With...


Custom Tagless Neck Label

Every order that leaves our facility has a custom Private Label.


Soft Hand Inks

Print in waterbase or discharge inks to provide the softest hand possible, or plastisol for 100% color accuracy.


Add-On #26: Butterwash

Don't forget to finish your garments with Butterwash for a result "Softer Than You've Ever Imagined".

All in as few as 144 units.


Color Match Ready Garments